Curious about the increasingly popular whiteboard explainer videos you see online? Here are the answers to five frequently asked questions about them.

1. Why use video at all?

So, first things first. Why would you even use video on your website and social media marketing? Because videos are the most compelling content, the most likely to be shared across social media, the most preferred content by erklärvideo Google, and the content most likely to drive conversions on your website.

A big statistic indicative of how preferable video content is in terms of ranking came from Forrester Research a few years ago. They found that videos are 53 times more likely than traditional, static website content to rank organically on the first page of SEO. This helps internet users to find you more directly and increases your traffic.

Speaking of conversions, found that products with product videos increased sales by up to 30 percent.

So video in general has a lot to offer on the web.

2. How is a whiteboard explainer video different from other types of videos?

Videos in general are fun, exciting and engaging compared to other types of content. Explainer videos are even more so. They are like regular videos on steroids. The data suggests that conversion rates are even higher. That’s really why they’ve exploded – because the conversion rates are so high.

3. Why do whiteboard explainer videos convert so quickly?

No one knows for sure, but intuitively there seem to be a few reasons. The first is that when a hand starts drawing a picture, it’s just hard to look away. They wait to see what the end will be like. That just seems like a natural human reaction.

Also, these videos can present complex, sophisticated ideas in a clear and digestible way.

They’re just plain fun too. I mean come on Learning about companies and causes can – and usually is – be boring. The best whiteboards have a light tone and humor. It’s never a bad idea to make your next customer smile.

They are a soft sell. They declare – they don’t throw. This makes them much more accessible.

4. How do whiteboard explainer videos help your brand?

People like videos because they give something back to them. They set educational priorities. At the end of a whiteboard, the viewer has learned something new. A whiteboard explainer video gives you a great opportunity to position your company as a helpful thought leader. They also give the appearance of much higher corporate production value than many live-action videos.

5. Where do I place my explainer video so I get the most benefit for my business?

Videos should be placed primarily on your homepage. If you have a specific campaign that focuses on a specific landing page, that’s where they should go.

They should also be on your YouTube page, Twitter and Facebook page. (In fact, you should post the video regularly on your Facebook page. Many new visitors will see it, and regular visitors don’t mind repeats as much as people think.)

The video should also be used in emails and at presentations and live events.

In short, whiteboard explainer videos are an exciting and useful tool to grow your business. From SEO rankings to conversion rates, whiteboard explainer videos are a unique way to drive traffic, engage with your audience, welcome them to your website, develop your brand, and keep them engaged come back again!

Use explainer videos on your website to convert customers

Videos are a powerful tool to lure website visitors into staying on your site for a while and taking action with your product or service. Considering that a third of all activity online is watching videos – and that statistic is growing year on year, using video can be a great way to engage with your audience.

When it comes to your company’s online presence, videos are essential. Video is widely shared on social media, typically preferred over text, and often generates a higher return on investment than other forms of marketing.

The whole goal of any promotion or search engine optimization is to bring customers to your website to buy your product. However, your PageRank or great campaigns are not going to help you convert people into customers unless they know what to do when they come to your site.

Marketers call this the “call to action”. You need to convince someone on the site to take the next steps. You need to be able to walk them through your site, build trust, and help them understand what you’re doing so they can land on the checkout page and spend money on your offer.

A great way to turn casual viewers into engaged customers is to use an explainer video. An explainer video is typically an animated video with a blank whiteboard background that spends a minute or two describing your service and what makes you unique.

Here are three main reasons why an explainer video can bring you buyers:

1. Brand Authority

Investing in whiteboard explainer videos shows that your company takes its user experience seriously. Watching an animated video of your process shows the client that you are a professional and that you invest in what you do, not a sketch. This type of video can help your brand, too, by adding a bit of humor to build audience affinity — and giving you the power to create content that’s easy to share and reference constantly.

2. Learning Styles

Explainer videos appeal to several senses. The video animation provides a visual representation of your product, while the voiceover provides audio to further explain the service. Text, although limited, also appears in the video. These videos allow you to target several different ways people consume content online – video, audio and text! That makes these very effective.

3. The call to action

After explaining to a viewer what you’re doing and how to do it, you can end the video by telling the viewer the next step. erklärvideos Want them to sign up for an email list? Do you want them to go straight to their cart and buy? Or maybe you just want them to message you. If someone is engaged enough to watch the entire 1-2 minute video, chances are you have an engaged client on the way. All you have to do is avoid the situation by telling them what to do now.

There are several companies dedicated to creating videos, but you can also find specialists in creating custom animated explainer videos or hire a freelancer. Whichever route you choose, make sure they have a proven track record and provide the highest quality videos to maximize the best results in your marketing campaign.

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