Xero for WooCommerce allows you to create invoices in Xero for all sales on your WooCommerce site, and also tracks and sends data on items, shipping, discounts, and tax to your Xero records to keep everything in balance.
cURL and curlSSL need to be installed on your server. Ask your host if they have these modules installed.
- Download the .zip file from your WooCommerce account.
- Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New, click Upload Plugin, select the file you downloaded and click Choose File.
- Install Now and Activate the extension.
More information at Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.
Xero Woocommerce Integration & Mobile App Development Company
A mobile app development company is a business that specialises in the development of mobile apps for smartphones and tablets.
Mobile app development companies have experience in developing apps for different platforms, such as iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry. They also have experience in developing different types of apps, such as social networking apps, entertainment apps, business productivity apps, and health and fitness apps.
When choosing a mobile app development company to work with, it’s essential to consid er their experience in developing the type of app you want to create, as well as their experience in designing your chosen platform(s). You should also ask for references from past clients to see what kind of results they were able to achieve.
In addition, Xero woocommerce integration is the process of connecting your WooCommerce store to your Xero account. Once connected, you can easily import orders from WooCommerce into Xero and create invoices and payments directly from Xero.
The benefits of Xero woocommerce integration include:
· Eliminate the need to enter order data into your accounting software manually
· Reduce the risk of data entry errors
· Save time by automatically syncing order data between WooCommerce and Xero
· Easily generate invoices and payments from within Xero
Setup and Configuration
There are two main steps to set up the connection between your WooCommerce store and Xero account:
- Create a private Xero application in your Xero developer portal
- Connect your WooCommerce store to your Xero application
Step 1: Create a new application in the Xero developer portal
Go to the Xero developer portal’s My Apps section (you may need to log in using your xero.com credentials) and click on the “New app” button:
You’ll be presented with the following screen and fields to fill in:
- App name – this is the name of your application, choose an easy-to-remember name
Note: Do not include a symbol in the app name or the connection may fail - Integration type – this should be set to the Web app
- Company or application URL – website address of your shop or main page
- Redirect URI – can be copied from your site’s WooCommerce > Xero settings (pictured below), or copy this address and replace example.com with your site’s domain name:
Note: if you’re doing a fresh install your WooComemerce Xero settings will appear similar to the next screenshot. If you previously had a WooCommerce Xero integration set up you should still see the old settings fields – they will be removed during the course of finishing this setup guide.
When you’re done configuring the settings, click the Create app button. You’ll be taken to the next screen to optionally add your site’s Privacy Policy and Terms and conditions URLs.
Your Xero application is now created.
Step 2: Connect your WooCommerce store to your Xero application
Click on the Configuration tab from the menu to the left.
- Copy the Client id, then go to your WooCommerce Xero admin settings page, and paste it into the Client id field
- Next, go back to the Xero application settings and click Generate a secret. Copy the secret and paste it into the Client Secret field of the WooCommerce Xero settings.
Note: The client secret key is visible only once so if you lose it you will need to generate it again.
- Go back to your Xero Application and click Save (your secret will then no longer be visible in the Xero application). Go to your WooCommerce Xero settings page and also click Save there.
You should now see that the “Sign in with Xero” button is now Active:
Once that button is it clicked, it opens the login.xero.com site where granting access to the application is requested. It informs about the scope of required permissions that needs to be accepted. If you have more than one organization defined in the Xero portal, you can choose which one you want to connect (note: Xero’s default Demo Company organization doesn’t appear on this list, so cannot be used for this purpose):
After clicking connect it returns to the WooCommerce Xero page where the status of the connection is shown.
If the above is shown, your WooCommerce store is connected and you can complete the rest of the setup.
Setup and Configuration
There are two main steps to set up the connection between your WooCommerce store and Xero account:
- Create a private Xero application in your Xero developer portal
- Connect your WooCommerce store to your Xero application