How enjoyable and practical would it be to fly or take a train in a matter of minutes to get from one city to another?
Regarding space travel, scientists have been posing the same query. What if we could travel from one galaxy to another in a matter of hours as opposed to millions of light years? Wormholes are the term for these “shortcuts” in space travel that you may have heard of in well-known science fiction films and books.
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What are wormholes?
Wormholes are imagined passageways through space that would shorten the amount of time needed to travel across the universe from years to hours. But up until now, this theory has only held up in writing. Scientists have not yet discovered direct evidence of their existence. Debatable topics include how to classify them and how they can exist in the presence of celestial bodies’ gravitational pull.
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However, a group of researchers from the University of Sofia in Bulgaria recently came up with a technique for wormhole detection that could eventually help researchers find them. Find out how wormholes function and what this means for space exploration in the future!

Black holes and wormholes
We are aware of black holes as cosmic bodies in space with extremely strong gravitational pulls that prevent light and molecules from escaping. According to physics, “white holes” are thought to vomit substances in the form of particles and radiation that black holes had previously ingested. Some scientists think that black holes and white holes are linked through a wormhole-like space-time passageway.
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According to researchers at the University of Sofia, the opening to a wormhole may resemble black holes that have already been identified, such as Sagittarius A* or M87* in 2019. They claim that the radiation and light that surround a black hole’s entrance are very comparable to the radiation that surrounds a wormhole’s opening. Therefore, it would be difficult to separate them out.
It’s a wormhole, Einstein!
Many scientific societies assume that wormholes exist because of the famous physicist Albert Einstein’s remarks on the subject. His general relativity theory discusses wormholes and the structure of the universe.
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Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen collaborated on a theoretical framework that resulted from solving Einstein’s field equations related to the theory of relativity. The structure could connect two different points in space by acting as a bridge across space-time. The Einstein-Rosen Bridge was given that name.
Many scientists have put Einstein’s theory of relativity to the test and found convincing evidence, which makes them think that wormholes might be more than just a theory. However, many who have their doubts contend that wormholes are impossible since they would eventually disintegrate due to gravity. Since gravity has an impact on everything in the cosmos, it will also have an impact on and implode wormholes. In order to maintain their tunnel shape, the wormholes would therefore require an internal counter-gravitational force.
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Space in the future
The possibility of wormholes creates a wealth of opportunities for space exploration and travel. It might imply, among other things, that we have the ability to travel through time.
But for the time being, we must first create the technology necessary to correctly identify wormholes and further investigate them in the event that one is really discovered.
Do you think there are wormholes or do you think scientists are making them up? Tell us in the comments section below.
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