
With any luck, as an IT manager, you will believe that your team is doing a good job. After all, your IT managerial skills are designed to enable you to get more out of your team, and the thought is that if you get good at it, you’ll be able to deliver more of what your customers want Looking for. Now the big question is, do you do this? One of the best ways to find out is to take the Strafanzeige time to look through customer complaints and see what they are trying to tell you.

Why bother with complaints?

I think one of the problems IT managers have when dealing with complaints is that complaints about your team are very personal. The clients you deliver your projects to tell you that something is wrong with your team’s work. Deep down, we all have a tendency to get offended when we hear complaints.

When we receive a complaint, our first reaction is often what is known as a reflex reaction. Generally it’s something like, “Oh, they don’t know what they’re talking about.” You and your team have been trying to meet your customers’ needs as best they can, and now they’re complaining about what you’ve done for them. That doesn’t seem fair. What you need to do here is create a system. The system prevents you from rejecting complaints or reacting inappropriately.

So what kind of system do you need? Your complaints system needs to be in place to give you the ability to both listen to and respond to people complaining about your team’s work. What you’re looking for is a way to triage – assess the severity, take action, and then respond to the complaint. To be honest, part of your system has to be finding a way to find the people who are complaining about your team’s work – they’re not always vocal.

How IT managers can respond to customer complaints

One of the most important things IT managers need to understand when it comes to complaints about our team’s products is that time matters. Any kind of delay can negatively impact your team and possibly your business as well. What you need is a multi-channel system to handle complaints. Here are four steps that can be used to create such a system.

  1. Find Complaints: There are many different places criticism of your team can come from, both internally and externally. There is no doubt that any criticism can be painful for you; However, it is part of your job to look for it and create a comprehensive system that will allow you to collect all the criticism of your team in one place. Take the time to document where each complaint came from.
  • Metrics are important: you need to create a scale that allows you to record the intensity of each complaint. I would suggest that you use four different classifications: positive feedback, mild discomfort, moderate discomfort, and severe discomfort
  • Assign responsibility: Every complaint should be assigned a person who takes care of it. Some of the complaints your team receives may have already been addressed. However, you must select a team member and assign them a specific grievance channel to respond to. You may end up choosing different people to deal with different levels of criticism.
  • Create deadlines: Your customers who create the complaints will want to get a response from you sooner rather than later. For you, this means that you have set yourself some deadlines for processing complaints. Each channel you receive complaints through may have a different response priority. How well you handle complaints shows both your current customers and potential future customers how good your team is at dealing with people.

What all this means for you

Unfortunately, no matter how hard your team works, there will always be customers who complain about the products and your team’s performance. As an IT manager, you must learn to deal with this. What you need is a system for handling team complaints.

Your system needs to start collecting all complaints, no matter what channel they come through. Not every complaint is the same, your system needs to assign a severity metric to each complaint so you know how best to deal with it. Members of your team need to deal with complaints, Strafanzeige and that means assigning people to handle individual complaints. After all, complaints need to be dealt with sooner rather than later. This means you need to set deadlines for handling each complaint.

Complaints are part of life. Even if you were managing the best IT team in the world, some of your customers would still have something to complain about. As an IT manager, you must recognize that any complaint must be dealt with as quickly as possible. Your team will help you with this. Create a system and run the system and you will be able to keep tabs on every complaint your team receives.

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