Sports massage and deep tissue massage are collective styles of therapeutic massage used to treat and correct dysfunctions in the body’s soft tissues.
Treatments tailored to individual clients include a variety of surface and deep massage techniques, pressure techniques, lymphatic drainage, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue relaxation, myofascial relaxation and neuromuscular techniques. This combination of techniques relieves pain and ailments such as back pain, repetitive motion injuries, and more.
This brings the goal of supporting the body’s own healing processes for rehabilitation of injuries and impairments and can contribute to improving mobility and minimizing/eliminating pain.
Where Can I Get A Massage In Worthing?
Just use Google or any other browser to search for places to get a worthwhile sports massage worthing. A list of places to visit is displayed.
The clinic offers a wide range of treatments for the prevention, treatment and care of sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. In addition to osteopathy, clinics offer a variety of complementary and alternative therapies to provide a multi-faceted approach to addressing the needs of different individuals.
What Is A Deep Tissue Massage, What Can You Expect From It And What Can It Accomplish For You?
This form of massage, as the name suggests, tends to involve firmer massage strokes to release deeper muscle tension. Clinics often use this type of massage as a complement to osteopathic treatments. It is effective in treating chronic diseases and muscle pain.
Deep tissue techniques are often found to some extent in many other forms of massage such as sports massage worthing, Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, and Lymphatic Massage. There are several other forms of deep tissue therapy that you may have come across, some of which are also used by therapists.
In this treatment, a heated cup is placed on the body to create a vacuum that sucks the skin. The concept of this is that it perfuses the skin. You may have raised red cup-shaped bumps on your skin like those seen on certain celebrities, which may look amazing at first but usually disappear.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points are overly sensitive spots that are often perceived as muscle knots. These points can cause both local and related pain, so working to resolve them can help relieve pain and tension. In some cases, it is done through a combination of acupuncture work and stretching.
Myofascial Release
Fascia is the tough tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, organ, nerve, and blood vessel in the body. This technique stretches the fascia with the goal of relieving facial tension. This is sometimes called connective tissue massage.
Benefits Of Sports Massage
- Relieve joint pain.
- Reduce stress and tension.
- Chronic pain relief.
- Improve posture.
- Improve muscle flexibility.
- Injury prevention.
- Increased/decreased muscle tone.
- Improving blood and lymph flow.
- Increased freedom of movement.
- Improved recovery from injury.
- Relieves symptoms of repetitive strain injury R.S.I.
- Headache pain relief.
- Helps remove metabolic waste products.
- Sedation and stimulation of nerve endings.
- Increase or decrease in muscle length.
- Remodel scar tissue.
- Event preparation.
- Improvement of symptoms such as back pain, stiff shoulders, and stiff neck.
Sports massage can help relieve stress and tension, prevent injury, increase muscle flexibility, and relieve headaches caused by muscle tension.