What age should ride a hoverboard?

What is a hoverboard and how does it work? All the information

Being one of the most popular products today, the beginnings of the hoverboard come from a long time ago, more precisely from the 60’s. Also, some movies have used it and made it even more famous. In this article we will see how a hoverboard works so that you know everything in detail and know if it is the ideal electric unicycle for you.

Going back a long time, in California, during the 60’s, it was the skateboards that dominated the market, thus becoming one of the most modern means of transportation. Any young person wanted to know how to use it.

But it wasn’t until the 1980s that it really achieved worldwide popularity. To this, we must add the visibility given by the movie Back to the Future 2 where they announced the use of a special scooter that would allow us to move from one place to another floating in the air.

It was just from there that the name hoverboard (hoverboard in Spanish) was taken. Which although the one we know today is not 100% the same as the one in the movie, it does have several similarities.

A bit of history about hoverboards

The hoverboard considered a direct descendant of the Segways, which is why it sometimes also called mini Segway , Hoverboard ,  Smart Scooter… . And it is logical, since the mode of use is very similar thanks to the self-balancing system . If you know how a hoverboard works, you already have a long way to go with Segways.

Initially, hoverboards had a single central wheel together with two foot supports, but it was not really something very comfortable to use and there were several difficulties to achieve true balance. For this reason, over time it was modified until it reached the design we know today: a board with two self-balancing wheels that allow natural movement to move from one point to another.

Many wonder who invented the hoverboard. The real inventor of the first hoverboard was Shane Chen, who in 2013 launched the first units under the Hovertrax brand in Washington. Since then, this vehicle has become a trend both for fun and for its use as a means of transportation.

According to the experts, we are facing the predecessors of the classic skateboards, thus allowing us to change the way of skateboarding forever.

Before you start buying a hoverboard , take a look at the following information that will surely be useful to you. From now on you will no longer have any doubts about how a hoverboard works.

How does a hoverboard work?

Surely, when you saw the use of a hoverboard for the first time, you thought that it really a very difficult type of vehicle to use, for which a lot of practice is need. However, after reading how a hoverboard works, you will realize that it is quite the opposite.

The Segways is part of the types of electric unicycle that contain a special self-balancing and gyroscopic system . What does it mean? That makes use of the natural movement of the body so that you can move with ease and feel that it is a movement that you can do without forcing yourself. Thanks to this, when you place your body with your weight forward you will allow the vehicle to move forward, while when you place your body backwards, the effect will be the reverse and it will go backwards or stop. That’s why posture when getting on it is so important, because it’s really the key to how you use a hoverboard.

As far as the gyroscopic system is concerned, it is what makes it possible for it to rotate. Thanks to it, the hoverboard will calculate the longitudinal inclination that exists between the device and the ground itself. Thus, this information will transmitted to the controllers that are inside the motor, causing it to given indications of how it should turn to maintain the balance of the user who is on it. Making turns thanks to this is simple, having to simply rotate your shoulders a little towards the side you want to make the turn. This will be how the system receives the information from the hoverboard and performs all the aforementioned work.

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