Black Friday is just around the corner, and I want to tell you about the strategies and tactics that we have been implementing in Grupo Convierte Más, both to prepare ourselves and when launching our offers, how we are attracting the audience and every detail to which we have paid attention.
This is one of the seasons when businesses present a rise in their sales curve, so do not let it go unnoticed in your business or take it as another season to sell, here I share a step by step that will allow you to give it a better direction to your strategy.
Preparation of offers in our Black Friday strategy
The first thing you should do is: prepare your offer.
Will they be packs, discounts, limited edition products, personalized? Gather all the information on what has worked, what your clients have been asking you for for a long time or what they really need at this moment.
To prepare our offers, we hold executive meetings where we present options and study the most viable ones, we debate and finalize what our proposal will be in terms of products. For example: this year we decided not only to create packs and offer discounts to students, but we are giving an extra 10% discount to those who sign up for our waiting list, which I will talk about a little later.
When preparing your offer there are 3 elements where you should pay great attention:
- Are you taking advantage of your best sellers? Taking risks is good, but we must always have a safe option, the one that we know will do very well. Be sure to make a great sale that includes your best-selling product, whether it’s on sale, in a bundle, or a cheaper version. You can even combine it with a product that does not have so much sale, but that is related.
- Earn profits: it is not about making great offers to sell more, it is about making more profits by taking advantage of this date. Black Friday must be the great peak in sales in your business.
- Do you offer what your audience needs? The star of this date must be your audience. Many customers spend a whole year waiting for your offers and packs to be able to buy from you, make it worthwhile and offer what they expect from your brand.
Strategy Analysis
How to sell? You already have your packs, your offers, you know what you will sell, but what strategies will be the ones that will position you in the minds of your consumers?
You must analyze very well what media you will use, how long your offer will last, all the details and tactics that you will apply, from ads to organic content, sales pages, funnels and others.
To establish each one, we hold meetings for each manager with their team, to brainstorm ideas that end up in actions to be fulfilled and achieve a common goal: selling on Black Friday. Everything starts from the meeting and the previously defined points of what we want to achieve with our strategy and the products we will sell.
VIP Waiting List
On our previous Black Friday we launched a waiting list, but we decided to make some changes to this one:
- Only for students of the Convert More School. Those who will receive a 40% discount for being students and an additional 10% for joining the list.
- Those who want to join and are not students will be redirected to join the School.
- They will have a customer service channel only for those who are part of the list, in this way their messages will have priority when they are answered.
- They will receive the offers two days before the rest of the audience.
In this way we make sure to reward those who are already loyal customers of the brand, because it is much cheaper and requires less effort to make a customer buy from you again, than to convince someone who has never bought from you.
Follow-up emails for your Black Friday strategies
What do you do when a customer looks at your products on the web, but doesn’t finish making the purchase? Do you let them go? Mistake.
You need to keep follow-up emails to finish persuading them. If they reached your products and even added one to the cart, it is because you offer the solution they need, but they are still not convinced to buy.
Personalized customer service
Team training is essential. It is necessary that they know how to respond and above all that they do it in a personalized way. Automations help and responsive templates, but we can’t always use them.
They need to learn to persuade customers, talk to them closely and understand the doubts and objections they have in order to then give an assertive response.
Each person who arrives at your DM, mail, telephone, etc., does not have the same doubts, the same problem or the same need, each one is unique and in the same way should be the attention, in this way we will be able to know their points of view. pain and help them in such a way that they see us as their best solution.