Need of the Hour
The crime rate in the cities is increasing daily and today the urban Indian feels unsafe even within the so-called safe walls of his houses. Daily and even hourly there are reports of burglaries and deaths in her house. Seniors living alone in the city are most affected and feel highly insecure in the city where they have lived their lives. In such a scenario, strict security measures must be taken in homes and businesses. There used to be doorknobs, door chains, and peepholes that could help you know who was at your front door. But these measures are now obsolete and the latest technological attempts to video türsprechanlage protect you are videophones and intruder alarms.
How do you work?
Did you know that the first intruder alarm systems were developed in America in 1922? A burglar alarm is a device that can be placed on your doors and windows. It usually has a code and ID card with it. You can set the code every time you leave your home or shop alone. This device detects infrared radiation and the alarm sounds when a door or window is opened. The alarm’s sensors are connected to a control panel via high-voltage cables or narrow-band RF signals. The control panel is also linked to a siren and dialer that calls the owner or emergency operators . In the meantime, you can re-enter the house or shop with the help of your badge and disarm the alarm once inside to avoid unnecessary alarm ringing.
Videophones, on the other hand, help you know who’s at your doorstep. You have installed a camera on your front door and a speaker for the intercom. This entire circuit is connected to a telephone set in the house. This phone has a video display monitor that lets you see who’s at your front door so you don’t end up opening your door to strangers. The intercom speaker on the door is useful for knowing the purpose of visiting strangers
Small wonders of technology
Today, videophones and intruder alarm systems are available in a wide variety and in different price ranges. Today, technology has made home security easier and safer. Hands-free videophones with LCD screens are available in the markets. You can take these gadgets with you anywhere just like your cell phones. Most video phones have a button to unlock your door from the phone itself, saving you the hassle of walking all the way to your door while you’re busy with something else or when a bell rings in the middle of the night. Intruder alarm systems are also available in different sizes and different control systems. You can find wireless alarms in stores and the latest improvement are alarms with GSM and SMS systems. These alarms can store up to 5 phone numbers and call when someone breaks into your home or business.
Your safety is in your hands
Remember the fable of the wolf and the seven lambs, in which the lambs are home alone while their mother is away, and they open the door to the wolf, even though their mother has instructed them not to open the door to strangers. You can never trust children not to open the door to strangers; Because of this, such devices are best for keeping an eye on your home while you are away from home. Therefore, security solutions with hands-free and wireless videophones and intruder alarm systems have become convenient and comfortable, that’s why they are a must!
Why should we install a video door phone?
We live in very unpredictable times as we are extremely vulnerable to security issues. There is no alternative to taking precautions in this matter, and people who put it off often fall prey to the malicious sections of society. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we take personal safety into our own hands and secure our home and family. Luckily, the rapid advances in technology have provided us with electronic devices that can help us live a safe life. Gadgets like video door phones are a welcome replacement for the traditional doorbell system as it helps us prevent unwanted people from entering our homes.
Most corporate organizations have installed a system where guests are scanned by a video camera located outside their gates and the guest is required to introduce themselves and state the purpose of the visit over the intercom. Once the requirements are validated and the security staff is satisfied of the authenticity of the person, the gates are opened for the guest’s access. This may seem like an elaborate and expensive security system, but in fact these video door phones are also available for household use.
The installation of these systems is very easy and can be done without professional help. The system consists of an outdoor unit, which is typically a camera, which is connected to the rest of the system. Additionally, the unit would contain one or more indoor units that display video türsprechanlage the video feeds from the outdoor camera. That way, when someone rings your doorbell, you’ll get a live feed of the person at your door. In addition, the intercom allows you to communicate with the person before you decide to let the guest in. Other accessories of the video intercom are adapters, cables and manuals necessary for the operation of the device.
The outdoor device is generally specially designed to work in different situations. They are usually resistant to heat, rain and other typical weather conditions. In addition, these video cameras are equipped with night vision in order to have a view even at night. These cameras offer multiple video angles, which is useful for getting a full view of the situation outside. The indoor kit is generally a TFT device with functions of speaking in speaker mode, unlocking the door remotely and monitoring even if the doorbell has not been pressed.