It’s not every day that we associate the term NASA and “sex” but in fact it happened. In a NASA publication, it confirmed that it is considering and trying to study sex in space. Sex in space is as far away as possible and to date… there hasn’t been a single episode of a sexual encounter. Read more to reveal what all these new studies are in which NASA has expressed interest.
Understanding sex, and how it will work in a low-gravity environment, is essential to the success of deep space missions and settlement building outside the world, the academics say. While long-term spacers are currently professional astronauts, more and more civilians, including couples, are likely to venture into orbit in the future.
NASA has long avoided the issue of sex between astronauts, having previously categorically maintained that “humans have never had sex in space.” Since the vast majority of space travelers, at least those who go beyond the edge of space, have been professional astronauts, this is probably the case for Russia as well.
However, NASA recently admitted that it may be time to consider finding a way to explore the subject beyond animal testing.
About the researchers who came up with this research.
A study published under the The Journal of Sex Research, a team from Canada came up with this unique study. Proving their points, they affirmed that it was only a matter of time before the major space agencies, both private and public, accepted the need to address sexuality in space. The Canadian team wants NASA, ESA, SpaceX, Blue Origin or one of the other major agencies to set up a field office to investigate the idea in detail. They believe it will be a living, breathing and productive project that will involve a long and complicated process to get off the ground and return results.