All words can be classified under two broad terms, content words and function words in English. The content words are a bit difficult to understand because around 99% of words in the English language are content words, while the latter contains approximately 150 words. Function words are fewer, but we use them so frequently that it accounts for about 50% of a text. This proportion explains that function and content words are equally important in writing. In function words, the role of conjunction is very interesting to note. In parts of speech, the conjunctions work to connect words, phrases and multiple sentences. As per its importance, this article aims to discuss conjunction and its types used for an academic essay.
What is Meant by Conjunction in an Academic Essay?
Conjunctions are considered building blocks in an academic essay. With the help of conjunctions, you can better elaborate any point, and the reader can easily understand the message of a text. By having a good hand at conjunctions, you can develop your English writing skills. The academic essay can be for different purposes, including college admission, IELTS as well as PTE. While preparing for any of the essays, you should highlight the use of a conjunction. If you do not place the right conjunction, it can disturb the whole flow of the essay, and you can never ace milestones even after having high-quality content.
Conjunctions are basically connecting words which make your text interesting and easy to understand. With the proper use of these elements can make a simple sentence compelling for any reader. There is not a single function of conjunction but multiple. Based on the need, these are divided into several categories.
- First of all, conjunctions perform the function of joining two or multiple words in a single sentence. For the understanding of connection, you can take the example of the following sentence:
Hira is a nice girl but shy.
In this sentence, “but” is a conjunction, which connects “hira is a nice girl” and “shy”.
- The second function of conjunction is to make a connection between two independent clauses. Without using conjunction, if you write two independent clauses in a single sentence, it would not make sense at all. So, you can make your sentence effective with the help of conjunction in an academic essay.
- Lastly, there can be a connection between two dependent clauses if you use a conjunction between them. There is no role of clause type to make any sentence understandable, but it is the use of a conjunction. Irrespective of dependent or independent clauses, you have to use conjunction.
What are the Different Types of Conjunction Which Can Be Used in an Academic Essay?
The following are three types of conjunction which can be used while writing an academic essay:
Coordinating Conjunctions
The use of coordinating conjunction is made when there is a balance between two words and clauses as well. As per the rules of grammar, there should not be any inequality. In this way, the use of coordinating conjunction remains perfect. There are seven coordinating conjunctions, and you have to remember all. The easiest way to remember these conjunctions is to remember the acronym FANBOYS.
- F stands for “for.”
- A stand for “and.”
- N stands for “nor.”
- B stands for “but.”
- O stands for “or.”
- Y stands for “yet.”
- S stands for “so.”
You can practice the use of FANBOYS to have a good hand at coordinating conjunction. In case of any issue, you can ask the experts working at cheap essay writing service.
Paired Conjunctions
The second type of conjunction is named paired conjunction. With the name of this conjunction, you can remember its use in an academic essay. Whenever there is a need to use two conjunctions in one single sentence, then there is paired conjunction which makes the sentence balanced. The important thing about this type is that the combination of two conjunctions is not random, but there is always a particular grouping.
For example:
When you use “both”, it is always followed by “and”.
Example: The research study demands significant involvement of both members and their money.
In this sentence, “but” and “and” are conjunctions. Similarly, there are many more pairs of words as follows:
- Not only, but also
- Either, or
- Neither, nor
- Subordinating Conjunctions
Here is the last type, named subordinating conjunction, which aims to make a connection between the subordinate clause and main clause in one sentence of an academic essay. These conjunctions are mentioned below;
- in order to
- once
- since
- than
- that
- whether
- while
- though
- unless
- until
- after
- although
- as much as/as soon as/as long as
- as though
- because
- before
- how
- if
- when/whenever
- where/wherever
How can you Learn the Use of Conjunction?
Learning the use of conjunction is vital to speak and write English properly. In written communication, the concept of these words is relatively easy to learn. You have to learn the difference between its types and guide them to use these words correctly in their sentences. Firstly, it aims to choose the correct words for making your study presentable, while the second aim is to improve your content by making it grammatically correct.
On the other hand, learning the proper use of conjunction in speech is tricky. Here, you need to learn which word you should stress in a sentence. Sometimes you need to put stress on conjunction, and sometimes it is not necessary. In case you need to put stress, then it must be in a specific place that helps the listener to understand. Moreover, you can arrange learning sessions, prepare notes, and work on some tasks to know the proper use of a conjunction.
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Consequently, conjunction aims to make your writing clear and grammatically correct. All of its three types have a particular role to play in an academic essay, and you should learn about it. The above-mentioned pointers can help you learn all about the use of a conjunction. While writing an advanced essay, you need to have a good command on paired conjunction. Also, you can learn conjunction effectively by attending lectures, presentations and using notes.