For those of you who aren’t the biggest football fans, this might come as a bit of a shock — but it’s college football season! That means that if you happen to be in the New York City area, or plan on traveling to an away game, you’ll have the opportunity to see your favorite college team play in person at Yankee Stadium, Citi Field or Madison Square Garden. While most people think of these venues as being home to the New York Yankees, Mets and Knicks respectively, they also hold some of the best college football games of the season!
The New Coach
I’m excited to share with you some insights into what it is like being a student athlete on our football team. I’ve been playing football since I was a freshman and it has been a huge part of my life. It’s a big time commitment, but that is worth it because I know that this sport has taught me some very important life lessons. For example, there have been many times when we have lost games and practices due to rain or other factors outside of our control. But we can’t let those setbacks get us down, because if we do then we’re not living up to our full potential as players. We always try stay strong and keep working hard so that we can come out on top next time! Another lesson I have learned is that through teamwork and perseverance anything is possible. Whether you are on offense or defense your teammates will always be right there beside you to help win the game. There will be hard work involved no matter how good of an individual player you are. If one player isn’t doing their job, then they’ll be letting their team down and in turn could lead to an unfortunate loss in competition which would make everyone feel bad.
The Senior Class
The seniors on the team are Kyle, Max, Nicholas, and Micah. They were on varsity last year but unfortunately their team didn’t make it to playoffs. However, they still had a great season and loved playing football with each other. This year is their last chance at making it to playoffs and they’re determined not to let this opportunity slip away. They have a lot of experience that will help them in games as well as a strong work ethic that will keep them going during practices. It would be an honor for any freshman on the team to play with these guys because they’re such great players and friends! We’ve played together for years so we know what the others’ tendencies are and we can read one another’s thoughts on the field, said senior Max. Senior Kyle agreed, saying that he loves having the same group of people around him every day and has been close with his teammates since he was a freshmen. There is no doubt in my mind that I’ll miss these guys when graduation comes around. These seniors are doing everything they can to get back into the playoffs this year. If you ask me, they deserve it just as much as any other player out there. Their hard work shows every time they walk onto the field. And if anyone deserves to go out on top, it’s them.
It would mean so much for us if you could come watch us play this Friday night at 7pm against Smithtown West High School; please bring your friends and family along too! You won’t regret seeing how dedicated we are to winning this game – our whole senior class is counting on us!
Freshman Class
This year, freshmen will be joining us on the football team. We are currently in our second week of practice, and they have already started contributing a lot. They have been working hard learning all of the plays, and some have already mastered them. They are a great group of guys who work well together and enjoy each other’s company. One freshman told me he loves being part of this tight-knit team because he gets to hang out with people his age that he can relate to. He also said it is easier because there is no pressure like there would be if you were playing varsity sports as a freshman. The coach has given them their own workout schedule so they can train at their own pace and get more repetitions in each drill. It was very cool seeing them go through their drills alongside the older players; it was almost like watching two teams that had just won a game side by side celebrating with hugs and high-fives after the final whistle blew. There is one freshman that has really stood out so far. His name is Danny Brown, and he is from New York City. He comes from an area with a high crime rate so he can’t wait to get away from it for a while by coming here.
Danny hasn’t had any problems adjusting to the new environment yet because his teammates have made him feel welcome since day one. Danny also loves playing running back because he gets to do what he does best- speed past defenders and take it all the way downfield for six points!