Taking Fildena 100 can be beneficial for anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction, but there are some important things to know before starting. You’ll need to consider how long it will take to start seeing results, how much it costs, and how it will affect you if you take it with other medications. You’ll also want to consider the side effects.
Time it takes for Fildena to work
Depending on the severity of erectile dysfunction, the time it takes for Fildena double 200 to work will vary. However, the average time is between four and five hours.
Taking the pill 30 minutes before a sexual activity can help get the most from the product. The medication starts working in thirty to sixty minutes and the effect will last for about four to six hours.
The active ingredient of Fildena is sildenafil citrate. This medicine improves the blood flow to the penis, which helps men maintain an erection.
This medication is not recommended for children and women. It is best for males who are between the ages of eighteen and 64. It may cause side effects, including nausea and headache.
To be effective, Fildena should be taken in small doses. Do not take more than 100 mg a day. It is also important to consult a doctor before beginning this medication.
You should not take Fildena if you have an allergic reaction to it. This drug is a PDE5 inhibitor.
Alternatives to Fildena
Whether you are suffering from early erectile dysfunction or you have experienced symptoms of erectile dysfunction, Fildena 100 can help. This medicine works by improving blood flow to the erectile tissues. It also works by treating psychological and physical causes of erectile dysfunction.
The active ingredient of this drug is sildenafil citrate. This medicine is a member of the PDE5 inhibitor group of medicines. It helps regulate the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) enzyme, which restricts smooth muscle contraction. This effect is felt 30 to 60 minutes after take a tablet.
The drug has a number of side effects. Some of these include rashes, breathing difficulties, impaired vision and priapism, which is a condition that causes a painful erection. Other side effects include nausea and headaches.
The drug comes in different strengths. The maximum dose is 200mg. It is a triangular-shaped tablet. It comes in purple, black, and red colors depending on its strength.
The dosage is based on the severity of the erectile dysfunction. It should not be take more than once a day.
Side effects of Fildena
Several drugs and diseases can interact with Fildena 100, and it’s best to inform your doctor of all medicines you are taking. If you experience any side effects while taking Fildena 100, you should stop using the medicine immediately.
Fildena is an erectile dysfunction medication that helps to increase the blood flow to the penis. Enhance blood flow allows the muscles of the penis to become firmer, and an erection is maintaine.
Fildena is a member of the PDE-5 inhibitor group of medicine. It inhibits the enzyme PDE5, which affects the function of cGMP in the male genital region. When this enzyme is deplete, the penile region becomes flaccid and unable to support an erection.
The drug can help to treat erectile dysfunction, and is available in a variety of strengths. Generally, it is recommend that a single dose of 150 mg be taken each day. This can be purchase online and at local stores.
Cost of Fildena
Having a firm erection helps you achieve sexual satisfaction. However, there are other factors which can affect the effectiveness of an erection. For instance, some medicines can lead to impotence. There are many other causes as well, including mental disorders. These are all reasons why men may experience erectile dysfunction. Luckily, there are a number of treatments available.
The most popular of these is Viagra. It is a drug that can be purchase over the counter. The medication is effective for up to five hours, though it loses its potency after this period.
Another medicine that can be take to treat erectile dysfunction is Fildena. This is a drug that works by blocking the PDE5 enzyme. The enzyme is found in the penile area of men. When it is block, it prevents a man from achieving a firm erection.
The effectiveness of Fildena is based on the amount of the drug a person takes. A dose of up to 100 mg can help a person achieve a firm erection. In order to avoid overdose, it is important to take the drug in small doses.