Easy Tiger Drawing For Kids | Drawing For Kids Tutorial

Easy Tiger Drawing For Kids | Drawing For Kids Tutorial

Drawing For Kids lessons that teach youngsters how to sketch tigers can also raise awareness of how important it is to protect these incredible animals. Despite being the largest member of the cat family, they are also one of the most endangered animal species in the world.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that the number of tigers has already dropped by 95% and that their survival percentage in the areas where they once lived has dropped by 40%. Climate change and unlawful poaching are just two of the numerous causes of this.

Simple Tiger Drawing For Kids

Although there are still roughly 3,900 tigers in the wild, more needs to be done to protect this endangered species. A Drawing For Kids wonderful method to raise notice of someone’s condition is to draw them into their habit. Children will enjoy creating their paper tigers by following the six simple steps. A printable version of this tutorial on sketching tigers is also provided.

Ideal for homeschoolers and art educators who want to show kids how to draw tigers. Enjoy drawing a vibrant tiger for youngsters, and don’t forget to include some interesting details. Remember to use the free PDF instructions as well.


  • Pencil \sDrawing Paper Colored Pencils or Crayons Black Marker (optional)
  • Tiger Drawing for Children in PDF Format (see bottom of the lesson)

We’ll learn how to make a tiger drawing for kids on paper in today’s guided session. Each phase of the lesson will emphasize the magnitude of each part. The current sections being drawn in each of the steps are indicated by the blue lines drawn.

Needed time: 20 minutes.

Step By Step Tiger Drawing:

Shape Your Head:

  • To begin, sketch a rounded, furry shape for the Tiger’s head. Draw two oval-shaped shapes for the eyes next. Next, make the nose an oval shape. Add two circles to the sides of the nose, one on each side. The bottom of its mouth should then be formed by a line that curves upward.

Glue The Ears On:

  • On the Tiger’s head, draw two rounded shapes with diagonal lines.

Include the body and tail:

  • Draw the Tiger’s body in an extended, curved shape. The Tiger’s body should then have a thin, wavy S-shape attached to it.

Legs Drawn:

  • Now, create the illustration-like shape of the Tiger’s legs as they are attached to the bottom of its body.

Sketch tiger stripes:

  • First, mark the Tiger’s cheeks with a horizontal line. The Tiger’s body will now be covered in a pattern of narrow, pointy forms. This gives the impression that your Tiger has striped fur in your drawing.

Draw the Tiger in its entirety:

  • Let’s add color to finish the tiger drawing! The nose should first be shaded with a pink crayon. With a cream-colored crayon, draw in the bottom of its face, the insides of its ears, its tummy, and the bottoms of its paws. The Tiger’s stripes should then be drawn using a dark brown crayon. Then use an orange crayon to color the remainder of the Tiger’s body.

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