Easy Remedies To Remove The Scar Marks

A scar mostly forms during a natural healing process after an injury. The second layer of the skin gets damaged and while the body form collagen fibres to repair that damage – then it results in a scar. In most cases, if the wound heals faster then less collagen is deposited and hence the scar becomes less noticeable.

The severity of the scar is also based on the severity of the damage or the injury. They form differently on different parts of the human body. For acne scars that are regular and not severe – one can use the best anti scar cream to get effective results in a week or two.

Medical remedies

Silicone gels or sheets

These sheets and gels can be used to heal the skin but not any open wounds. They are soft gel sheets that can be applied as an adhesive dressing. Once applied they not only flatten the scar but can also help in softening the skin. One can use that daily, wash it, and reuse it for 2 months at least.


Some injections can be effective when treating a certain kind of infection like keloid and thick scars. They are injected directly into the scar tissue so that they can help in reducing the redness, itching, and burning sensations that one can face from the scars. The injection not only reduces the pain but also flattens the scars. These injections are needed to be given as a series for a few months so that one can get the best results.

Laser therapy

Also known as laser scar revision, this targets blood vessels that can reduce the appearance of the scar. They cannot eliminate the scar but the pulses of light can make the scar reduce, lessen the pain and redness as well. But this therapy needs to be done by a doctor or a professional.

Dermal fillers

They are injectable fillers that need to be injected underneath the skin. In most cases, they are made from hyaluronic acid and they are used to plump pitted scars. Sometimes one gets deep scars because of acne and dermal fillers can be the perfect remedy for that.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels can always be used to treat mild scarring. They have a chemical solution that dissolves the outermost layer of the skin and increases cell turnover. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and it also removes irregular skin tone. But this treatment is mostly advised for people with lighter skin. For those who have darker skin then a glycolic acid peel will be more effective. Most of these peels can treat both acne and pigmentation on the skin.


This is another common treatment that can be used for acne scarring. Here, small needles are inserted into the skin to release the acne scar from the underlying tissues. They work well on indented scars.

Punch excision

Here, the scar is removed with the tool, and then it is stitched up. It is one of the best ways to remove deep scars on the skin.

One can also use the most effective scar removal cream to treat regular acne scars.

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