Cannabis grows on almost every continent on earth and has been used for a variety of things other than smoking, although that’s how most people see it. Henry Ford actually once made a car body out of it and even hit it with a mud hammer to demonstrate its toughness, something you wouldn’t even do to a GM Saturn car. A cannabis activist recently stated in an online think tank:
“You’re raising a sensitive issue with activists for this plant, which has been dubbed stoners, and it’s a stigma that not everyone has the cannabisöl stones to shake off in public.”
Cannabis activists are a very small part of life on earth. But most stoners, whether cannabis activists or not and whether or not they have fully studied the many uses of this plant, believe that marijuana is the greatest substance on earth and that the plant from which it comes is the greatest plant on earth is. Another think tanker commented on this statement as follows:
“I’ve seen enough stoners in my life to base my comments on reality and break away from your demands for political correctness. I don’t think they are deserved. I don’t accept your apologies when you’re trying to justify “smoking weed” or your digression from reality. I will accept your return to responsibility towards yourself and those around you and your admission of personal weakness that leads you to a life of drug use.
You can see how difficult it is for cannabis activists to move forward with such a stigma. In fact, the think tank considered a comment from a think tanker on using non-THC cannabis to be harvested for ethanol because it has four times the cellulose value and would yield a very good harvest from ethanol production, plus it can grow in arid regions without much water . But no one is going to discuss cannabis that way because all drug users and stoners have given it this stigma that no one can shake. Consider this in 2006.
Cannabis Addiction – Determining if you have a problem
Cannabis addiction is a controversial topic these days. While many believe marijuana is not physically addictive, it’s hard to deny that it can take over someone’s life. Whether the compulsion to use is driven by physical factors, psychological factors, or a combination of both, it is still a condition that needs to be addressed. There are several things to consider when determining if you are addicted to this substance , but it mainly boils down to whether it is an increasing presence in your life. This can sometimes be difficult to assess yourself as people tend to want to believe that they are still in control of their lives.
To overcome denial, it helps to ask yourself a few questions about your drug use. A good determinant for assessing cannabis addiction is whether you develop a tolerance to the substance. If you need more of the drug to get the same high, then there’s a serious problem. Another sign is when you feel compelled to use more and more every day. If you started using it on an occasional basis and now find yourself smoking marijuana weekly, daily, or more frequently, then your marijuana use is no longer just recreational.
Another factor used in determining cannabis addiction is whether you have attempted to quit and have been successful. Everyone thinks they can quit at any time, but if you’ve tried and failed, then your marijuana problem needs to be addressed. Even if you experienced withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit, this is a clear sign that you have an addiction. The role marijuana plays in your life also needs to be examined. If you find yourself engaging in fewer social activities, skipping important events, or even missing work because you choose to use marijuana instead, this is a clear indication that you have a substance abuse problem.
There are several ways to address this dependency. As mentioned earlier, many people do not believe that this substance has physically addictive properties. However, even when the issue is purely psychological, the anxiety that quitting cannabisöl kaufen creates can make it very difficult to quit. Because of this, it is necessary to find a way to relax during the process. Techniques that can tap into our subconscious, such as hypnosis, can be very effective in treating cannabis addiction and should be considered for treatment.