The Wood flooring in Lahore in your home plays a key role in defining its design and appearance. It has a significant impact on how the house looks as a whole, encouraging homeowners to pay attention to this aspect when building or renovating their home. Modern homes can include a variety of flooring types, with wooden flooring being the most prevalent.
Looking at wooden flooring in particular, it offers the home a distinct aesthetic. Depending on their budget and sense of style, homeowners can select from a variety of possibilities. You can start by studying about the types and costs of wooden flooring in Pakistan if you’re unsure which one would complement the aesthetics of your home.
For this aim Pakistan’s most intelligent property web, offers a comprehensive guide on information about costs and types of wooden floors in Pakistan. But let’s first talk about how important wooden flooring is before moving on to that section.
Why Should You Pick Wood Flooring?
People now tend to choose more sustainable solutions since they are more aware of the value of using environmentally friendly materials. One of these choices is wood flooring.
Wood flooring in Lahore contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which may be essential to maintaining a greener, more sustainable planet. The fact that wood is a recyclable resource and can be reused, unlike other flooring options, is another reason to choose hardwood flooring for your home.
In addition, maintaining concrete and marble floors consumes a significant amount of electricity, which is once again not very environmentally friendly. This makes timber flooring superior in terms of sustainability.
Now that we are aware of the importance of wooden floors, let’s discuss the varieties and prices of wooden flooring in Pakistan.
Different kinds of wooden flooring in Pakistan
Wooden flooring is available in marketplaces in a variety of styles and varieties to suit purchasers’ diverse needs and budgets.
The different forms of wooden flooring are as follows.
Flooring made of hardwood
Laminate Wood Flooring
Flooring made of hardwood
It is also referred to as solid wood flooring because it is made of actual wood. As the name implies, the wood used for this type of flooring is quite hard and dense, with a density that ranges mostly between 18 and 20 mm.
They can be a nice addition to your home’s design according to modern trends and the value of wood floors. Most purchasers and interior designers agree that hardwood flooring is among the nicest and most durable options for a home because it provides the inside an enticingly opulent appearance.
Due to its versatility, hardwood flooring may be better suited for rental properties. Additionally, you can put it on top of the marble floor. If not maintained properly, it is easily breakable and reusable.
Where Should You Install Hardwood Flooring in Your Home?
Wooden flooring, as previously noted, exudes elegance and style because it can be utilised in rooms like the living room, where you may brag to guests about your extravagant decision.
You can place it in the bedrooms as well as the other rooms of your house. However, there is one thing that you must do in advance, and that is to lay it in locations with consistent humidity.
The wood may become damaged if the moisture level exceeds a particular point. In addition, wood is extremely vulnerable to parasite infection, so consider laminate flooring instead.
Laminate Wood Flooring
This sort of flooring is an accurate copy of a hardwood floor made of synthetic materials rather than actual wood. It is also referred to as a floating wood floor.
As a result of the lamination process and the photographic layer applied as a finishing touch, laminated wooden flooring has a shining appearance.
Hardwood flooring is less in demand than laminated wood flooring. The reason for this is that this sort of floor is much simpler to maintain than a hardwood floor, and the installation process is rather simple.
Where Should Laminate Flooring Be Installed in Your House
Finding a suitable location where laminate flooring can be put and maintained more effectively is crucial since laminate flooring is sensitive to its environment.
Since it is extremely water-sensitive, you should avoid the areas of your home with heavy foot traffic. It does not react well when exposed to watery puddles. Due to this quality of laminated wood flooring, it is advisable to install it in places that do not require as regular cleaning.