Varicocele embolization is a specific kind of medical operation. Blood is diverted from an enlarged vein in your scrotum as a result. A varicocele is a vein of this type. It could result in discomfort, infertility, or edema. A coil or unique substance is used by a radiologist to obstruct (or embolize) the vein. With the help of a catheter, a varicocele can be blocked from receiving blood flow by inserting small coils or fluids into a blood artery under the direction of imaging technology. It can safely ease pain and swelling, is less intrusive than traditional surgery, and might even boost sperm quality.

Symptoms to look for before 

Symptoms are typically absent in varicoceles. They may result in delayed testicular development in teenagers. They might result in discomfort and edema as well. Additionally, they may result in infertility. You could receive treatment as a result of your symptoms or your infertility.

The two major therapies are varicocele embolization and surgery. The success rates of both options are comparable. However, embolization often results in a quicker recovery.

If you are an adult male and have a varicocele that is giving you testicular pain, discomfort, or infertility, you may be a candidate for varicocele embolization. Talk to your family doctor or general practitioner about all varicocele treatment options.

Risks of the procedure

  1. Infection
  2. An allergic response
  3. a lot of blood loss
  4. Movement of the coil, which is occasionally utilized to obstruct the larger vein
  5. a lower back ache
  6. Inflammation of the scrotum
  7. swelling of the vein
  8. Nausea

Additionally, there’s a risk the process won’t be successful. Additionally, your varicocele can recur. Even if the initial therapy was effective, it could still do so.


The varicocele embolization technique starts with a few extremely small incisions in the lower belly; the surgeon conducts the surgery while utilizing a video camera and surgical equipment coupled to tubes. There are fewer veins to ligate above the groin because the network of veins is less intricate. Typically, the operation takes 30 to 40 minutes. The doctor will remove the catheter when the treatment is finished and use pressure to halt any bleeding. To close the tiny hole in the artery, your doctor may occasionally use a closure device. You’ll be able to move about more swiftly as a result. On the skin, there are no sutures visible. This little skin gap will be sealed off by the nurse with a dressing.

In conclusion

Although the pain following this procedure is often moderate, it might last for many days or weeks. For a brief period following surgery, your doctor may recommend pain medication. After surgery, you’ll probably be able to go back to work a week later and start exercising again two weeks later. Inquire with your surgeon about the best time to resume your normal activities or engage in sexual activity. Our outpatient vascular facilities’ vascular specialists and clinical personnel combine medical knowledge and compassion to help you through every stage of your varicocele treatment journey, offering symptomatic relief and hastening your return to your routine.

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