These days, protection from deadly viruses, germs, and bacteria has become a major concern. From homes to offices, it has become important to get rid of these harmful microorganisms to ensure your safety. The unseen germs, viruses, and bacteria can cause fatal diseases that may even lead to death. For removing these harmful elements, regular cleaning methods aren’t sufficient. Many people are using ozone generators to effectively get rid of allergy and disease-causing bacteria and viruses. If you also want a safe and healthy indoor environment, an ozone generator may help. But what ozone generators are, how do they work, what are their applications, and how to use them? Let’s find out!
What is Ozone Generator?
As the name suggests, an ozone generator uses ozone to purify the air and remove odor. Without going much into chemistry details, let’s quickly understand this concept. Ozone consists of oxygen molecules. We all are familiar with the type of oxygen we breathe which is “02” (made of two oxygen molecules). But ozone consists of three oxygen molecules (O3), known as “trioxygen”. This third oxygen molecule in Ozone makes it unstable, meaning that it can easily attach itself to pollution. When this molecule attaches itself to bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and organic matter, it destroys the substance. This property of O3 attaching itself and destroying other molecules, like pollutants, smoke, and odor, helps in cleaning and deodorizing the indoor environment. Ozone generators when turned on, produce ozone for sanitizing the indoor air.
How does Ozone Generator Work?
An ozone generator is a portable unit that takes air from around in the form of CO2. The oxygen in the air changes to ozone by electrical discharge. The technique used for creating ozone is known as silent corona discharge in which electrical discharge separates the oxygen into individual oxygen atoms. When the generator releases this ozone into the air, the third oxygen molecule attaches itself to pollutants and destroys them.
Applications of Ozone Generators for Air Purification
As mentioned above, ozone can effectively eliminate bacteria, fungi, germs, odors, and other contaminants. The machine is immensely helpful in sanitizing indoor air, as well as removing pungent odors, smoke, and mold. Ozone generators are used in homes, hospitals, hotels, and other commercial settings to get a pollution-free environment. Ozone generators are highly effective disinfection methods but should be used carefully. The generators should be used in vacant spaces when humans, animals, or indoor plants have been removed. Also, when used at home, only low concentration should be used. When used as an air purifier, an ozone generator provides multiple benefits such as:
1. Remove Bacteria, Mold, and Critters
Harmful microorganisms often hide in plain sight and cause diseases. Bacteria and germs on surfaces like the kitchen sink and bathroom floor can make you or your family sick. Moreover, airborne mold spores can trigger asthma and allergies. Ozone purifies air by removing germs, viruses, and bacteria. It is also effective in eliminating mold spores that can cause respiratory diseases. In addition to this, ozone can also help you get rid of household pests like cockroaches and rodents. As a highly effective air cleaner, ozone can also reduce the potency of COVID-19 viruses.
2. Eliminate Odors
Another application of ozone generators is odor removal. Similar to how ozone generators attack bacteria and virus cells, the ozone molecule also attacks airborne cells that produce odor. Odor removal is often needed in hotel rooms and other commercial settings that have lingering smells from tobacco smoke. Rental property owners also use ozone generators to remove the smell of pets from the apartment after a tenant leaves. Compared to air fresheners, ozone generators are more effective in removing the foul smell and making the room fresh.