How To Attract More Followers On Instagram

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Running a bit low on the number of followers on Instagram? Not really thrilled with your Instagram growth and engagement? Then no worries, as I will be guiding you through a few ways how you can attract more followers on Instagram.

Keep reading to find out more information on it!

Ways To Attract More Followers On Instagram

Here are a few ways how you can attract more followers on Instagram:

Optimize Your Account

First and foremost, you need to worry about how your account is set up – how it appears to others. For starters, you could really look into your Instagram bio, your bio link, and the profile picture that is set up on your account. 

These things are the major determining factors of your personality on Instagram. They also determine how follower friendly your account really is. Some tips to make your account appear better:

  • If it is a business profile, then you would really want to pick a search-friendly name (a name that is not too difficult to remember). For this, you could totally shorten it up to a variation that your audience would like.
  • Make sure your profile picture looks relatable and fun – as this would immediately make the potential followers feel inclined to follow you. If there is any form of text on your picture, then they should be sized ideally so that they are clearly visible on the smartphone screen.
  • Give a meaningful bio link. It could direct users to your brand or even be a meaningful link to support a cause.


There is no overlooking the fact that all profiles are at the mercy of the Instagram algorithm for reach. Even though posting at the correct and appropriate time is actually very beneficial for profiles. This also increases the visibility of a profile. 

Any and everything that can be done to maximize engagement is a bonus. There are also various apps available out there that can help you with this. Scheduling any content in advance also ensures organization and control.

Engage With Your Audience

When we are talking about getting more Instagram followers, then we simply cannot overlook the main factor which actually helps in getting more followers – and that is engaging with the audience/ potential followers. 

You could engage with them by engaging in conversations with them in the comment section or by answering their DMs to you. You could even republish their posts. For instance, you create a hashtag event, and they respond by posting their own take on it – you could repost those content.

Try & Post Relevant Content

You will eventually learn that some type of content does well than others. This is why experimenting is very important. Try posting different forms of content and see which one gets better engagement. Instagram’s analytics are said to be very powerful and matters a lot. 

With that being said, you could definitely try Instagram analytics tools available out there and see if it works for you. Instead of taking second-guesses what is working for you and what is not, you could try taking the help of such tools.

Utilize Hashtags

Hashtags have been the basis of this platform forever. So, naturally, if you want more reach, then you will have to utilize it. Although dumping a lot of hashtags on your posts would do you more harm than good, so keep that in mind while thinking about utilizing hashtags too. 

An example of a brand profile using a hashtag would be Lashify. They regularly post content under a hashtag called #LashEducation. Using hashtags like these are beneficial as they are less competitive and more on the unique side. But if they used #beauty, then that would have been more on the competitive side because that is a very common and widely used hashtag. 

Becoming more visible by using hashtags like these are meant for both personal profiles and brands under apt niche.

Read Also: Get Demolition Services

To Wrap It Up! 

These days it is all about having a social media following, so I get why someone would be desperate to get their follower count to a max. You can use the following ways to increase your follower count on Instagram. 

Thank you for reading up till here! I hope you found the information useful.

Author Bio:

I am Eric Watson, a Freelance Blogger and well Content Writer with a little over five years

of experience in the industry. I have some creative ideas and share my thoughts through

blogging. I am passionate about writing for Tech, Health, Business &Finance Etc.

These are my sites News Profy , Istana Green World , World Health Life & Tech Mag News.

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