
Massage affects the whole body. To understand how massage therapy works, it is necessary to briefly examine some of the physiological effects of massage.

Applied manual pressure

Massage is known to increase blood and lymph flow. The direct mechanical action of rhythmically applied manual pressure and movements used  Fitgun in massage can dramatically increase blood flow rates. Also, stimulation of nerve receptors causes blood vessels to dilate (by reflex action), which also facilitates blood flow.

A milky-white fluid called lymph carries impurities and waste out of the tissues and flows through gland-like structures scattered throughout the lymphatic system that act as filter valves. Lymph does not circulate like blood, so its movement depends largely on the squeezing action of muscle contractions. As a result, inactive people cannot stimulate lymph flow. On the other hand, the stimulation caused by intense activity can be outweighed by the increased waste caused by that activity. Massage can dramatically help the movement of the lymph in both cases.

Rich offer

For the whole body to be healthy, the sum of its parts – the cells – must be healthy. The individual body cells depend on an ample supply of blood and lymph, as these fluids supply nutrients and oxygen and remove waste products and toxins. So it’s easy to see why good blood flow is so important to the entire body simply because of its effect on the circulatory system.

Massage is also known for:

– cause changes in the blood. The oxygen capacity of the blood can increase by 10-15% after the massage

– Affect muscles throughout the body. Massage can help loosen contracted, tight muscles and stimulate weak, flabby muscles. This muscle “balancing” can support posture and promote more efficient movement. Massage doesn’t directly increase muscle strength, but it can speed recovery from fatigue that occurs after exercise. In this way, it may be possible to get more exercise and training, which in the long run will strengthen muscles and improve condition. The massage also provides a gentle stretching effect on both the muscles and the connective tissues that surround and support the muscles and many other parts of the body, helping to keep these tissues elastic.

– Increase the secretions and excretions of the body. There is a proven increase in the production of gastric juices, saliva and urine after massage. Nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus and sodium chloride (salt) are also increasingly excreted. This indicates that the metabolic rate (the utilization of ingested material by the body’s cells) is increasing.

Massage scales

– Affect the nervous system. The massage balances the nervous system by calming or stimulating it, depending on what effect is needed by the person at the time of the massage.

– Improve skin condition. The massage directly improves the function of the sebaceous (oil) and sweat glands, which keep the skin lubricated, clean and cooled. Hard, inflexible skin can become softer and more supple .

– Effects on internal organs. By indirectly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, the blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow for a better blood supply.

Masseur hands

Knowing the physiological effects of massage allows for a better understanding of the health and fitness benefits of massage. What takes place under the hands of the massage therapist is of great importance for those interested in health and fitness to optimize their body. A massage can help with any form of sport or exercise. By helping to reduce physiological fatigue and aiding in recovery from the exertion of exercise or play, massage enables better training with longer, more effective workouts, enabling better performance and preventing injury.

The people of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations already knew this. After the bath aerobics, a full body massage was part of it. The ancients understood that education involves the equal development of mind and body. The modern public’s interest in physical fitness, holistic health, wellness and human potential represents an attempt to revitalize a time-honoured philosophy.

Exercise is started

For most people who embark on a fitness regimen, the spirit is often ready but the flesh is not. When regular exercise is started, almost every part of the body changes. Of interest to massage therapists is the way blood vessels become more complicated to meet the body ‘s need for more oxygen, delivery of more nutrients, and allowing for more elimination. This will need time. As muscles get in shape, they struggle to get enough oxygen and nutrients, and waste builds up and stagnates.

Unfortunately, many exercise programs view pain as an inevitable price to pay. That’s just not true. Massage can be used like the Greeks and Romans used – to increase endurance, control fatigue and feel better as part of a regular health regimen.

To causation

Massage works to disperse the accumulated by-products of muscular activity that irritate muscles and nerve endings. Lactic acid and carbonic acid build up in muscle tissue shortly after exercise begins. These acids are waste products that contribute to the generation of pain and occasional cramps that exercisers, athletes, dancers, etc., suffer during and/or after exercise or performance. These acids are formed when glycogen stored in the liver and muscles is burned to produce the energy expended during exercise. The acids must eventually be converted back to glycogen and stored again or Fitgun removed through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Pain and fatigue persist until this process of reconversion or elimination is complete. Massage can help eliminate the irritation caused by these wastes, thereby increasing muscle recovery rates. When rest was replaced with massage, muscle recovery increased by 20-75%, even 100%. For this reason, boxers, for example, are massaged between rounds rather than rested.

Joints are critical to exercise because joints are what muscles move to create movement. All joints are complicated and their parts tend to settle and stiffen when not in use. A sluggish, numb feeling in the joints discourages exercise. A masseur counteracts this by using massage strokes and passive movements to relieve muscle tension and free the connective tissue that is around the joints and can bind the joints.

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