Here is how blood tests can help diagnose the condition of the kidney.

You have two kidneys on either side of the spine that has the size of a human fist. It’s posterior to the abdomen and below your rib cage. Your kidneys play many vital roles in maintaining your health. One of the most essential jobs is to filter waste materials from the blood and expel them in the body as urine.

If your medic thinks that your kidneys are not working properly, you need to get your kidney function test done. There are some simple blood and urine tests done at a diagnostic lab in Jalandhar that can identify problems Related to the kidney. You may also need a kidney function test if you have other conditions that can harm your kidney. It can help your doctors monitor the conditions.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease?

Symptoms that may indicate a problem with your Kidneys may include:

  • High blood pressure 
  • Blood in the urine 
  • Frequent urges to urinate
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Swelling of your hands and feet happens due to the buildup of Fluids in the body.

A single symptom does not meet something serious. But, when a couple of things occur at a time, the symptoms can suggest that your Kidneys are not working.

Kidney function tests done at a assure path labs test can help determine the reason. 

What are the kinds of kidney function blood tests?

If you want to get a kidney function test, the doctor will order a set of tests that can help you estimate how fast your Kidneys are clearing waste from the body.


Urinalysis will screen for the presence of blood and protein in the urine. There are many possible reasons for protein in your urine, but these things are not related to the disease. The doctor may want to repeat the test after a few weeks to see if the results of the blood test done at the diagnostic lab in Jalandhar are similar.

The doctor also asks you to provide a 24-hour urine collection sample. Creatinine is the breakdown product of muscle tissue.

Blood urea nitrogen 

The blood urea nitrogen test will check for waste products in the blood. The BUN test measures the amount of Nitrogen in the blood. Urea nitrogen is the breakdown product of protein. Nevertheless, not all elevated BUN products are due to kidney damage. If you want to learn more, reach out to us today at assure pathlabs test.

24-hour Urine sample 

A creatinine clearance test uses a 24-hour urine sample. It gives your doctor an indication of the daily creatinine output from your body. Use the separate container your doctor has provided to urinate into for the remainder of the day and night. During the collection process, make sure the container is sealed and chilled. Tell your family members why the item is in the refrigerator and label the container clearly. When you wake up on the second day, urinate in the container. The 24-hour collection job gets finished at this point. Observe your doctor’s recommendations regarding where to drop the sample.

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