What Is Circle And Its Properties? (Definition, Recipe, Model)

A circle is a shut shape framed by following a point that moves in a plane to such an extent that its separation from a given point is consistent. The word circle is gotten from the Greek word kirkos, and that implies circle or ring. In this article, we cover significant terms connected with circles, their properties and different circle equations.

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Properties Of Endlessly Circle Recipe

Coming up next is a short layout of the points we will cover in this article:

Meaning Of Circle

Whenever the arrangement of the relative multitude of focuses situated at a specific separation from a specific point are joined, then, at that point, the mathematical figure got is known as a circle.

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Terms Connected With Circles

Properties of Circles – Terms Connected with Circles

center point

The proper point in the circle is known as the middle.

In this way, the arrangement of focuses is at a specific separation from the focal point of the circle.


Sweep is the decent distance between the middle and the arrangement of focuses. It is meant by “R”.


A breadth is a line section that has the limit points of circles as endpoints and goes through the middle.

Thus, intelligently a measurement can be broken into two sections:

a piece of a circle from a limit highlight the middle

What’s more, the second part from the middle to the subsequent limit point.

Hence, breadth = two times the length of the span or “D = 2R”.


It is the proportion of the external limit of the circle.

Thus The Length Of The Circle Or The Perimeter Of The Circle Is Known As The Circuit.

boundary of a circle

curve of a circle

The curve of a circle is a piece of the boundary.

From any two-focuses on the limit of the circle, two curves can be drawn: a minor and a significant circular segment.

Significant Circular segment: A long curve shaped by two.

circular segment of a circle

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Area Of A Circle:

An area is framed by joining the end points of a curve with the middle.

Interfacing the endpoints with the middle, two districts will be gotten: minor and major.

Of course, we just consider the short region except if generally noted.

area of a circle

semi circle

A crescent is half of the circle or,

At the point when a circle is separated into halves a crescent is gotten.

semi circle

Since it is now so obvious all the phrasing connected with circles, let us find out about the properties of circles.

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Properties of Circle – Lines and Circle Equation


A harmony is a line fragment whose end point lies on the limit of the circle.

harmony all around

properties of the harmony

An opposite dropped from the middle partitions a harmony into halves.

properties of harmonies all around

digression line

Digression is the line which contacts the circle anytime.

Properties Of Digression

The range is consistently opposite to the digression where it contacts the circle.

properties of digression

Significant Properties of a Circle – Connected with Points

Properties of a circle – points inside the circle

properties of points all around

stamped point

An engraved point is the point shaped between two harmonies when they meet at the limit of a circle.

Point Engraved All Around

properties of engraved points

1. The points subtended by a similar circular segment on the periphery of a circle are consistently equivalent. Properties of points engraved by a bend

2. The point in a half circle is consistently 90°. Properties of points engraved in the mid-point of a half circle

A focal point is the point when two line sections meet to such an extent that one of the line portions is at the middle and the other is at the limit of the circle.

Properties Of Recorded Points Focal Point

 mid point property

The point subtended by a bend at the middle is two times the point subtended by a similar curve.

Properties of the focal point all around

Significant Circle Recipes: Region and Border

Following are a few numerical recipes that will assist you with working out the area and boundary of a circle.


Border or outline of circle = 2 × × R.

Length of the curve = (focal point subtended by the bend/360°) × 2 × × R.


Area of circle = × R²

Region of the area =(area/focal point subtended by 360°) × × R².

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