How Can I Decide If I Want to Divorce My Partner or Not?


Marriage is a life-changing moment for everyone. We wait for years for this one special day but when suddenly things go off track as to what you expected in your married lives, you are left in a complete void of what to do next. In such times, ending marriage might not be the only solution to any of your problems but sometimes, this decision becomes necessary. You may not always be able to figure out what issues are serious to take and what can be figured out.

While sometimes, no communication does not wreck the relationship apart, at the same time, mild toxicity can become a big issue in a relationship. The decision has to be taken keeping many aspects in consideration and not ignoring, of course, your kids and your partner. If you are breaking down thinking about how to decide if you may or must consider divorcing your husband or wife, you should read this article till the very end.

Here are some points you must consider before deciding on a divorce.

Domestic Abuse or Mental Disturbance

Do not think about society, parents or children; there’s nothing more crucial than your own life. If your partner, be it a man or even a woman, is physically hurting you or manipulating you affecting your mind, you should definitely decide to call the marriage off before it turned into something disastrous. But before anything, you need evidence for the same, therefore, get your medical check-up done and if possible, record the video of the monstrous activity that your partner does to you.

Abuse of any kind, whether physical or mental, is inexcusable and it makes the relationship irreconcilable. Therefore, take a wise decision before everything goes out of your hands. Most people suppress their emotions when they are tortured by their spouse because of several reasons, it may be parents, dependency or affecting children, but no excuse is bigger than the life of an innocent person.

You Find Strong Evidence your Partner is Cheating

Another reason why you must not think twice before breaking up is infidelity. You suspect it, confirm it, find proof, confront your partner and get over with the decision. Every couple has their own understanding but infidelity means that the relationship does not stand on strong ground and if the partner is not wanting to move past the fault, then maybe divorce is the only solution left here.

Divorce is a very big decision and if you wish to take it forward, you must think it through with calm and mindfulness.

Your Spouse CAUSES Financial Problems

Financial up and low is a common issue in every household, managing it well and understanding is the key to walking through this phase. However, if the financial problems are rising because of, particularly, your spouse then the problem is even more serious. With that said, financial hardships are another common reason for the divorce of several couples. If you witness your partner spending money unnecessarily on stuff, then you should sit down and talk to them about it. However, if your partner is not willing to understand the reason to save money, then as time goes on and so do your financial hardships, you would be likely to consider divorce as a solution.

Your Partner is Disrespectful Towards you

As much important as it is to communicate in a relationship, respect is crucial too. If you don’t feel respected by your partner and they make you feel dumb and stupid even in public, it is time to show your partner how respect is important for everyone.

Don’t be Eleanor from the American series Never Have I Ever and be trapped under the spell of a disrespectful partner just because ‘you love them’. If your partner loves you, they will respect you no matter what, but if they don’t, it’s time to move away from the commitment before it turns to hurt you mentally.

Your Partner Teaches Bad Things to Children

The role of two individuals in a marriage is to teach good things to their children so that they can become good human beings and bring fortune and happiness to the family, however, if either of the parents is trying to teach things like early-age drinking or smoking, disrespect towards their siblings or partners and no value of money, then you must not avoid it as a children-parent equation. This is where you must take matters into your hands.

The first tutor for every kid is their parents and one must think a thousand times before saying or doing anything in front of them. The teaching is not only something direct but it is also indirect and if you think your partner is turning into a bad influence on your children then you must converse about the same. However, in many cases, the parent is not willing to compromise and if the case is with you, then divorce is a possibility to save your children from bad habits.


There are no particular reasons why most marriages end up in divorce, certain factors also depend upon the nature of your relationship and the kind of bond the spouses share. The right way to decide if you both must consider divorce is to talk it out, of course not if your partner is abusive, a drug addict or cheating on you. Communication can solve many problems, sometimes even the big ones, hence try to communicate if you think there’s some scope for the same.

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