Researchers Reveal Theory Behind Mysterious and Huge Bubbles in the Milky Way

The eRosita X-ray in 2020 was successful in capturing images of two huge bubbles stretching far above and below the Milky Way Galaxy. Since its discovery, its origin has been a mystery to many. But not until now. Researchers have found its origin and this article takes a deep look at the researchers. Find out

In a Research In a paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists have found that the photos of the bubble captured by the eRosita are the result of a powerful beam of activity from the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Researchers added that the identified jet started spewing out material about 2.6 million years ago and lasted about 100,000 years.


eROSITA is an X-ray made in Germany. It is part of the Russian-German Spekt-r space observatory, which also carries the Russian telescope ART FFC. It was launched by Roscosmos on July 13, 2019. It began collecting data in October 2019. eROSITA was originally designed by the ESA for the ISS. It was closed in 2005.

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