Even after half a century of Indian independence, the fate of education, educators and students has hardly improved. The apathy of those in power, including a large part of society, has not changed when it comes to personnel development and education. There are already more than four million educated unemployed youth in India.

India boasts of being the third knowledge power in the world, but effectively this is the lowest when measured on a per thousand population basis. Societal degradation caused by political power is reflected in educational institutions across India. Wrong ways have become the rule on campuses infested with egoists and politicians.

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College democratization, while a noble concept, has over the past 20 years turned campuses into a cauldron of stinking filth. These are administered by associations with little regard for excellence, honesty and intellectual probity. Kampus Unggul Unethical and politically motivated decisions serve the few and are reflections of societal catharsis.

The geographical India consolidated into a polity by the British has fallen silent into conglomerations of politically charged, disconnected entities and facsimiles of democratic degradation. The classic conservative longing for an orderly community and the corresponding acquisition of knowledge on the campus is missing. Whatever brand is running the country, that segment of society is now disrespected. Whether students or teachers, they have no say, they are not an essential service, and education is not a national necessity. As a state subject, education policy suffers from innumerable deformities.

Despite being a constitutional requirement, the unavailability of funds and self-government have led to the mushroom explosion of universities, fake campuses, private companies and numerous makeshift educational centers and foreign fly-by-air campuses. It has proven to be a major financial undertaking and is low risk as it is not subject to VAT or other financial restrictions. India now has more institutions of this type than colleges, an excellent opportunity to engage knowledge-seeking youth and those who wish to fly to greener pastures.

When it comes to formulating higher education policies, structuring the system, financial aid, grants and salaries, the statutory body – the University Grants Commission – is mentioned as a sacred cow, both revered and slaughtered in the streets. The extent to which the UGC is autonomous is well known. It has become a post office, a government organization that pays out small, central government-sanctioned grants to universities or institutions, which are assigned a set of tags depending on the status of the recipient institutions, state, central, autonomous, or adopted universities. There is a constant complaint about the unavailability of funds. The administration should understand that the jumbo cabinet and legislature spending could be cut to feed and educate some villages. The teacher wants to be a ladder for students to climb and reach new heights.

Central and state governments look to ESMA to deaden the voices of hate mongers, but it doesn’t take time to give favors to politicians and bureaucrats. It is important to please them so that a symbiotic balance is maintained and to oblige some of them. The government has failed to take effective steps to curb the industrialization of education. In a matter of hours, donations and royalties granted in Parliament have been doubled, but spending 6 percent of GDP on education has proven dogma that has endured for over four decades since the Kothari Commission’s recommendations.

Students from various educational institutes go on strike almost every year and demand the reversal of excessive fee increases. Tuition fees account for only about 13 percent of annual expenses in today’s higher education. It’s an impressive industry now and the goal is to make money. Poor students, intelligent as they are, cannot afford to attend colleges, professional institutions, or courses. They can take part in such courses by putting their families in debt with banks or financial institutions. Even in the US, tuition accounts for about 15 percent of total annual higher education spending. Nehru said, “If all is well with the universities, then so will be the nation.” While Rabindranath Tagore once associated the educated classes in India with “a second floor in an old building that was added, but unfortunately the architect forgot to build a staircase in between”.

Teachers in our society are not competitive, lack muscle strength, are educated and therefore behave differently. They have neither the courage of creamy bureaucrats, nor institutional support of any kind. A teacher can entertain you with a faint smile when he hears that this is the profession of nation builders, the cream of society, and a noble profession. The next moment, teachers are branded as cancers in society’s bone marrow, paid for no work, lust for power, equal pay and status with Class A government employees. The teacher was society’s advisor and guardian of conscience until mid-century. He could be recognized by his torn clothing, emaciated, pale face, soft voice, and humble demeanor. He was the guru. This guru, who is comparatively better dressed now, has transformed into a present teacher.

Newspaper reports are full of its shortcomings; his misconduct in indiscipline is paid enough for him not to work, as he has only 181 days of teaching to do each year. How could he dream of equality with his bosses in the secretariat, his class dropouts in parliament and government. To save our hard-earned ‘democracy’, which is being bolstered by some hooligans, politicians and administrators, the government must suppress the real demands so that education is not at the expense of ‘illiterate democrats’. A handful of teachers use unethical means to get rich just like all other segments that are labeled scammers today. However, exceptions do not make the rule.

Most of our presidents, many of our bureaucrats, including ministers, parliamentarians and others, have been in this profession. Weren’t they doing a good job for the betterment of society before they were elevated to these posts of leadership and reverence? Can the authorities not assess the strength of the demand in terms of qualification, age at the time of hiring as a teacher, lack of promotion opportunities, stagnation and competence in view of the stagnation of inflated societal values, the urgency and quality of the demand? Need to upgrade skill and experience to stay in battle. Teacher training is a continuous process, as opposed to “one-off training to earn a degree” for others. Evaluation is paramount in this profession for any promotion. Schooling has become a drudgery, plagued by social unrest, an absolute lack of infrastructure, anxiety psychoses gripping powerless parents, and a lack of administration.

My perception is that politicians are less interested in improving education and living standards because they know that once the poor find out about their corrupt practices, they won’t listen or vote for them. Political parties promise in their election programs to reduce employment, poverty and corruption. But that is not possible without education. For me, education is a discipline that permeates everything. The “right to education” enshrined in our policy principles and pledged to our compatriots makes me feel that we have the right to education.”

Even when we’ve ushered in the new millennium, education remains a password for those who make an arrogant claim that they know best and serve the public interest – an interest that is of course determined by them. Through perceptions rooted in the British subjection of our people, elitist education took center stage to produce Macaulay’s clones, who were Native Americans subdued to be “English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect ” to be. “Educated slaves became powerful props to sustain British rule.” Lord Curzon advocated the bureaucratization of education, believing that educational institutions had become factors in the production of political revolutionaries. The 1919 law entrusted education to the province.

When we educate, we engage in politics. Educators often think that education is separate from politics. In fact, education is perhaps the most political activity in the community. The state has always influenced what is taught in educational institutions. The socio-political (and partly religious) ideology shapes the learning content and the emphasis on various aspects. Depending on where the child was raised in India – whether it was a big city or a village, whether the school used English or a regional language as the language of instruction, among other things – the child will have a different worldview. However, curriculum-based education in India has largely strove to instill a temperament of religious, political, and social tolerance. The social mores and hierarchies often seep into the arena of learning and color education.

Given the political potential of education, there have been numerous attempts to use education as a means of indoctrination. Sometimes it’s covert, sometimes it’s open. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s intentional. However, political forces have always used education to promote certain worldviews. Today, many educators and policy thinkers in India fear that a conscious attempt to use education as a tool for socio-religious indoctrination may be on the new education policy agenda.

Online education versus real campus education – make the right decision

Since the advent of the internet, many things that were considered impossible have turned out to be easy tasks. The internet has also made great strides in education. It is now possible for students to attend courses without going to campus. This is a great blessing to many who face many difficulties in completing formal education. Let ‘s take a look at the different pros and cons of online education and real campus education so you can make a better choice that suits your needs.

Benefits of Online Education Programs

The main benefit of taking online classes is the flexibility to schedule online classes. You can choose your own schedule as these online courses run 24 hours a day. Aside from certain courses that require you to be online by a certain time, most programs are free to attend at your leisure. Students can interact with faculty members at any time via email.

Additionally, the best thing about attending online colleges is that it encourages you to participate more in interactive sessions. You will feel more comfortable voicing your doubts about the topic of your choice. Even reluctant and shy students can easily raise any questions they have. As for the cost factor, online education will cost you almost as much as campus education. However, you can save a lot of money on meals, meals, and travel expenses by taking online classes.


A major downside is the lack of discipline seen among students taking up online degree programs. Most people who take online courses have other commitments in their lives, like family or a job, that take up most of their time. This makes it difficult for them to concentrate and many fail to finish their courses.

Benefits of campus education

A key advantage of this traditional method of education is the extensive interaction a student has with the faculty and professors who supervise them, as well as with other students. This improves their intellect and communication skills and they can better understand and participate in the academic sessions. They also get access to many reading materials and books that will help them in their academic achievements. Studying on a campus provides a sense of belonging and helps build relationships, facilitating both personal and academic growth.

Additionally, certain degrees, such as medicine, engineering, and healthcare, require hands-on laboratory courses that can only be delivered by attending a true campus training program.


The only downside to taking courses on a campus is its traditional structure. You must go to college and complete a set schedule to graduate. If you’re otherwise busy with a career or other important work, you’ll have a hard time completing your education.

Decide what is best for you

Although both online and campus learning environments have their pros and cons, you need to decide what works best for your situation. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

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