Do you know what is the main factor of anxiety and depression in students? It is the fear of not being able to complete their academic tasks and then being humiliated in front of the whole class. There are many reasons why students cannot complete their academic projects. These reasons might vary from lack of time to write to lack of sufficient writing skills. The purpose of assigning academic writing projects is to improve students’ understanding and their academic dissertation performance but it sometimes becomes the main reason for stress.
Now; the question that arises is how can this stress be relieved. One way is to buy professional assistance in the form of nursing dissertation help, business assignment services, psychology essay help, and so on. The other way is to take tips from different online sites for free. For example; this post is intended to help students with their nursing dissertation projects by offering a few steps or tips for effective writing.
Nursing dissertation discipline:
Nursing is the branch of knowledge with a particular set of rules that focuses on taking care of individuals, families, and communities. This is the profession that forms a perfect link between doctors and patients. It is this profession that focuses on maintaining the health of the healthy and recovering the health of the sick. The main focus of this discipline is health and everything taught in it is about health.
Nursing is one of the most esteemed occupations and is linked to many admirable qualities, including commitment, dependability, and trustworthiness (masteressaywriters, 2022). This profession is taught practically, as well as, in academic ways. The four main aspects that are taught in this discipline are;
- The domain of nursing knowledge.
- Syntax of nursing knowledge.
- History of nursing knowledge.
- The output of nursing knowledge.
Students get intimidated when they are assigned a nursing dissertation and seek health care dissertation help or help with dissertation writing in other such branches of nursing domain. This post will help nursing students in improving the quality of their dissertations by making them more effective and impactful.
Steps to make nursing dissertation effective:
Beyond producing scholarly work for publication, nurses need writing skills to complete doctoral dissertations and scholarly projects (Johnson& Rulo, 2019). There is no magical formula to make a nursing dissertation an effective one rather there are some rules and tips that can help students in improving the quality of their content. The following are some of those basic tips and steps to make a nursing dissertation an effective one;
Choose the dissertation topic wisely:
The topic of the dissertation plays an integral role in leaving an impression on the reader. This is why students must choose the topic carefully and wisely. He can keep in mind the following points while picking the topic for the nursing dissertation project;
- Choose a self-explanatory topic.
- Choosing an exclusive topic yet not so new that you won’t be able to gather data for a literature review.
- Choose a topic that won’t be too extensive or too narrow because in case of a narrow topic you won’t be able to meet the word limit. On the other hand; in the case of an extensive topic, you might not be able to do full justice to the topic because of its extensiveness.
- Choose an interesting topic so that reader would prefer to read yours over others of the same discipline.
Strictly follow the structure & format:
In an effort to make a dissertation effective, students often forget to follow the basic rules of dissertation writing. This becomes the main reason for point deduction and leaves a bad impression on the reader. This is why students must always follow the format of a nursing dissertation. The referencing style used for nursing dissertation is Harvard referencing style and the font of 12 is used for writing purposes with the theme of Time New Roman.
The sections of the nursing dissertation include;
- Introduction.
- Literature review.
- Methodology.
- Results.
- Discussions/conclusion.
Divide the work into manageable parts:
One hidden rule for making a nursing dissertation effective is to break your whole dissertation into management parts. Manage your time according to the section you are going to write about. You cannot complete the whole dissertation in one go. In fact; even one section of a dissertation cannot be completed at once. This is why divide the work according to your preference and ease.
Be clear and specific:
Being clear and specific in your work is going to reflect your understanding of the topic. Besides; when the student keeps the content theme-oriented and avoids any irrelevant points then it improves the quality of the dissertation and deviates the reader from the objective of the writing.
Do thorough research:
Research is the main factor for a nursing writing like a dissertation of any other discipline. It is the research work that leaves the best impression on the reader and shows the effort of the student. Make sure that you are adding the relevant data while gathering it.
Choose authentic dissertation sources:
It is not only the research done that makes the dissertation effective but also the sources from where the data has been gathered also matter. These sources can only be authentic platforms like Google Scholar or authentic journal articles, and so on.
Take expert advice:
Never hesitate to take guidance or advice from experts in the field of nursing or health care department. Their guidance will help in making the dissertation more effective as you will be able to add a point from a new perspective.
Proofread and edit:
Proofreading and editing is the best way to improve the quality of the dissertation and make it more effective. It eliminates the possibility of grammatical errors or any other writing mistakes.
Nursing is a complex discipline and writing a dissertation on it makes things a little more complicated. Even though; it is difficult to write a nursing dissertation but it isn’t impossible. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the readers in making their nursing dissertations more effective.
masteressaywriters. (2022, Oct 25th). LIST OF 25 BEST NURSING ESSAY TOPICS AND IDEAS FOR UK STUDENTS. .
Rulo, J. E. (2019). Problem in the profession: How and why writing skills in nursing must be improved. Journal of Professional Nursing , 35 (1), 57-64.