7 Benefits of Smart Door Locks & Handles

7 Benefits of Smart Door Locks & Handles

Are you looking for ways to upgrade the security of your home or office? Smart door locks and handles are the perfect solutions! Not only do they provide enhanced protection, but they come with a wide variety of features and benefits. 

Smart door locks and handles are becoming increasingly popular in residential and commercial spaces. They provide an extra layer of security and can be used to protect you and your property from potential intruders. With remote access and biometric authentication, you can easily control who has access to your property and secure the premises.

Additionally, smart door locks and handles are incredibly versatile. You can use them to control access to various rooms, allowing you to monitor who enters and leaves your property. With the help of extra features such as automated locking and unlocking, you can even automate the process and reduce your workload.

The benefits of smart door locks and handles don’t stop there. In this blog post, we will explore 7 main advantages of using these advanced devices.

1. Easy Access

You are not alone if you are tired of fumbling with keys every time you come home. Traditional locks can be frustrating, especially when your hands are full or in a rush. But what if we told you that there is a better way? Enter smart door locks and handles – the ultimate solution for easy access.

Smart locks are a game-changer when it comes to home security. With a smart lock, you do not need to worry about losing your keys, leaving them somewhere, or having them stolen. Instead, you can enter your home with a simple code on the number panel, your fingerprint, or even your phone. Some smart locks can even be programmed with proximity detectors, meaning the door automatically unlocks as you approach it.

But smart locks are not just convenient – they are also an excellent option for those with mobility issues. This includes the elderly, those with Parkinson’s disease or cerebral palsy, individuals who have an arthritic condition, and those who have repetitive motion injuries, like carpal tunnel and tennis elbow, that make twisting the wrist and hand difficult.

Smart locks are designed to be user-friendly and accessible. They eliminate the need for complex key systems, which can be challenging for those with mobility issues. Instead, smart locks offer a simple, intuitive interface that can be customized to fit your needs.

2. Get Notifications About Your Doors

With smart door locks and handles, you can receive notifications any time a door is opened, providing peace of mind and ensuring you always know who’s coming and going. This is especially helpful for families with children, as you can receive notifications when they arrive home from school, providing an added layer of security and ensuring that they are home safe and sound.

But the benefits of smart door locks and handles continue beyond there. You can also assign separate entry codes to different individuals, allowing you to track who enters your home and when. This can be particularly helpful if guests stay with you or need to grant access to a contractor or service provider.

In addition to tracking who enters your home, smart door locks and handles can also alert you if a door is left unlocked or open, helping to prevent break-ins and ensure that your home remains secure at all times. And with the convenience of receiving notifications on your cell phone, you can easily monitor your home from anywhere, giving you peace of mind whether at work, on vacation, or simply running errands.

Smart Door

3. Create e-Keys Instead of Duplicate Keys

One of the latest innovations in this field is the development of smart door locks and handles. These devices offer a range of benefits, including the ability to create e-keys instead of duplicate keys. If you are someone who frequently has guests or visitors waiting for you to arrive home, creating e-keys can save time and hassle. With a smart door lock system, you can send an e-key directly to someone’s phone, allowing them to unlock the door without waiting for you to arrive.

This feature is particularly useful for those who have regular visitors, such as a dog walker or housekeeper. Instead of making multiple copies of a physical key, you can create an e-key for each individual. This saves time and money and eliminates the risk of lost or stolen keys.

Smart door locks and handles also offer a range of other features that make them an attractive option for homeowners. For example, many models allow you to lock and unlock your door using a smartphone app remotely. This means you can grant access to your home even when you are not there to hand over a key physically.

4. Improved Home Security

Beyond convenience, smart locks can also enhance your home’s security. Traditional locks can be picked or bumped, but smart locks use advanced encryption and authentication technology to prevent unauthorized access. Plus, with the ability to monitor and control your locks from anywhere, you can quickly respond to any suspicious activity, such as multiple failed attempts to enter your home.

In addition to smart door locks and handles, you can take other security measures to protect your home. Installing a video doorbell or security camera can provide an additional layer of surveillance, while motion-activated lights and alarms can deter potential intruders.

Improving your home security should be a top priority for any homeowner, and smart door locks and handles are an excellent place to start. Not only do they offer convenience and flexibility, but they also provide enhanced security and peace of mind. So, say goodbye to hiding spare keys and hello to the future of home security. You can also enhance home security by installing folding doors and windows with cameras. For buy it online, visit kjøp foldedører med vinduer.

5. Remote Access

Remote access has become an essential feature in today’s smart homes, thanks to Smart Door Locks & Handles. With a smart door lock, you can remotely unlock your doors using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. This feature has made life more convenient for homeowners, especially those who lead busy lives. Imagine you should have locked your doors or needed to let someone into your home while at work or running errands. 

With remote access, unlocking your doors is as simple as a few taps on your phone. You don’t have to worry about sending a virtual key to a random delivery person, contractor, or maid. Instead, they can text you when they arrive, and you can unlock the doors remotely. This way, you can be sure that only authorized personnel can enter your home, giving you peace of mind.

6. Home Automation

Smart door locks and handles are integral to a smart home system. These locks are designed to provide added security and convenience to homeowners, making it easy to lock and unlock doors without needing traditional keys. Moreover, these locks can be integrated with other smart home devices to create a fully automated system that makes your life easier.

One of the most significant benefits of smart door locks and handles is that they can trigger other aspects of your home’s automation system. For example, when you unlock the door, the lights can come on automatically, the temperature can adjust to your preferred setting, and the security alarm can turn off. Conversely, when you lock the door, the security system can arm, and the cameras can turn on.

This level of automation can be especially helpful when you’re leaving your home for the day. Instead of worrying about whether you’ve armed the security system and turned on the cameras, you can lock the door, and everything else will take care of itself. You can even set up geofencing, which automatically locks the door and arm the system when you leave the house.

7. Keep Track of Your Home While on Vacation

With the latest advancements in smart home technology, you can keep track of your home even when you’re not there. Smart door locks and handles are a great way to keep your home secure and monitor who comes in and out. These locks use a combination of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to allow you to lock and unlock your doors from your smartphone. You can also give temporary access codes to friends or family members who may need to access your home while you’re away.

But smart locks can do more than just lock and unlock your doors. They also can track who enters your home and when. This is especially useful if you have hired help, like a gardener, maid, or dog walker, who needs access to your home while you’re away. With a smart lock, you can monitor when they enter and exit your home, ensuring they’re doing their job and not accessing your home when they shouldn’t be.

In the last, smart door locks and handles are an important upgrade for anyone looking to enhance the security of their home or office. The benefits of smart locks and handles range from increased protection against intruders to greater control over who has access to your property. With remote access and biometric authentication, you can ensure that only authorized individuals can enter your premises, providing peace of mind and improved security. So, if you’re considering upgrading your property’s security, smart door locks and handles are worth considering.

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